
Let $A[1...n]$ be input integers in the range $0$ to $k$.

  Create array $R[-1...k]$ which all values are $0$
  for $i$ from $1$ to $n$:
    $R[ A[i] ] := R[ A[i] ] + 1$

  for $j$ from $0$ to $k$:
    $R[j] := R[j-1] + R[j]$

  Return $R$

$c$ $:=$ Preprocess($A$)
Query($a$, $b$):
  Return $c[b] - c[a-1]$

Firstly, we are gonna consider Preprocess. Observe that the first for-loop will never access $R$ out of range, since $0 \leq A[i] \leq k$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$.
When the first for-loop terminates, it's easy to see that $R[j]$ records how many elements in $A$ equals to $j$.
To complete the proof, we have to prove $R[j] = \sharp \{ A[i] : A[i] \leq j \}$.   $(*)$
Because $(*)$ is not so obvious, we are gonna use loop invariant to prove it.
Loop Invariant: At the start of the $l$-th iteration, $(*)$ is true for all $-1 \leq j < l$.
Initialization: When the first iteration starts, $R[-1]$ is $0$, so loop invariant holds.
  Suppose loop invariant holds when the $l$-th iteration starts. Observe that $R[j]$ is unmodified for all $l \leq j \leq k$ until the start of current iteration.
  It implies that $R[l]$ stores how many $l$'s in $A[1...n]$. Therefore, when the current iteration ends, $R[l]$ equals to $\sharp \{ A[i] : A[i] \leq l \}$, and $(*)$ is true for all $-1 \leq j \leq l$.
Termination: As our discussion in previous part, when the final iteration ends, $(*)$ is true for all $-1 \leq j \leq k$.

The correctness of Query follows immediately from $(*)$.


  1. Preprocess:
     (i) The construction and initialization for $R[-1...k]$ consumes $(k+2)t_1$ time, where $t_1$ is a constant.
     (ii) The first for-loop iterates $n$ times, it takes constant time operation in each iteration and totally consumes $n t_2$ time for some constant $t_2$.
     (iii) The second for-loop iterates $k+1$ times, it takes constant time operation in each iteration and totally consumes $(k+1) t_3$ time for some constant $t_3$.
     (iv) Return operation consumes constant time $t_4$.

 Hence, the time consumption of Preprocess is $T(n,k) = (k+2)t_1 + n t_2 + (k+1)t_3 + t_4$.
 And we have $\min\{ t_1, t_2, t_3\} \cdot (n + k) \leq T(n,k) \leq 2\max\{ t_1, t_2, t_3\} \cdot (n + k)$. Therefore, $T(n,k) = \Theta(n+k)$.

  1. Query:
     Clearly, its time complexity is $\Theta(1)$.


If $k=1$, then $k$-sorted implies that $$A[i] = \sum_{j=i}^{i+1-1}{A[j]} \leq \sum_{j=i+1}^{i+1}{A[j]} = A[i+1]$$ for all $i = 1, 2, ..., n-1$. $\implies$ $A$ is sorted.

$1$, $6$, $2$, $7$, $3$, $8$, $4$, $9$, $5$, $10$

Suppose $A$ is $k$-sorted. Then $$\frac{\sum_{j=i}^{i+k-1}{A[j]}}{k} \leq \frac{\sum_{j=i+1}^{i+k}{A[j]}}{k} \iff \sum_{j=i}^{i+k-1}{A[j]} \leq \sum_{j=i+1}^{i+k}{A[j]} \iff 0 \leq A[i+k] - A[i] \iff A[i] \leq A[i+k]$$ for all $i = 1, 2, ..., n-1$.

As our disscussion in c. An array $A$ is $k$-sorted if and only if $A[i] \leq A[i+k]$ for all $i = 1, 2, ..., n-1$.

Algorithm($A$, $n$, $k$):
  Partition the $n$ elements into $k$ groups of $\lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil$ elements each($G_j[1 ... \lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil]$, $j=1, ... , k-1$),
    and the last group made up of $n - (k-1)\lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil$ elements.($G_j[1 ... (k-1)\lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil]$, $j = k$)
  for $j$ from $1$ to $k$:
    Sort $G_j$
  for $j$ from $1$ to $k$:
    for $l$ from $1$ to $G_j.length$:
      $A[k(j-1)+l] := G_j[l]$

Evaluate the time complexity of our algorithm,
 (i) partition part takes $O(n)$ time
 (ii) the first for-loop takes $O(k \cdot \lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil \lg {\lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil}) = O(n \lg{\frac{n}{k}})$
 (iii) the second for-loop takes $O(n)$ since there are $n$ elements in total.

Hence, the time complexity is $O(n \lg{\frac{n}{k}})$.

Let $k$ be constant. By our disscussion in c. , we have to sort a subsequence $A[1+0k]$, $A[1+1k]$, $...$ , $A[1+(\lfloor \frac{n}{k} \rfloor -1)k]$, and it takes $\Omega(\lfloor \frac{n}{k} \rfloor \lg{\lfloor \frac{n}{k} \rfloor}) = \Omega(n \lg n)$ since $k$ is constant. This completes the proof.


For groups of 7:
Consider the same algorithm by replacing with "groups of 7", the number of elements $\geq x$ is $4( \lceil \frac{1}{2} \lceil \frac{n}{7} \rceil \rceil -2 ) \geq \frac{2n}{7} -8$. Then we have the recurrence relation of time consumption: $$T(n) \leq T(\lceil \frac{n}{7} \rceil) + T(\frac{5n}{7} + 8) + O(n)$$ Prove $T(n) = O(n)$ by substitution method:
Guess $T(n) = O(n)$, then by induction hypothesis, we have
$T(n) \leq c \lceil \frac{n}{7} \rceil + c(\frac{5n}{7} + 8) + an$
$\leq c \frac{n}{7} + c + c(\frac{5n}{7} + 8) + an$
$\leq (\frac{6c}{7}+a)n + 9c$
$\implies$ By choosing $c > 14a$ and $n \geq n_0 \geq \frac{9c}{14}$, therefore we have $T(n) \leq cn$ and hence $T(n) = O(n)$ by induction.

For groups of 3:
Suppose $T(n) = O(n)$, then $T(n) \leq T(\lceil \frac{n}{3} \rceil) + T(\frac{2n}{3} + 4) + O(n) \leq c \frac{n}{3} + c + c(\frac{2n}{3} + 4) + an$ is impossible to be $\leq cn$.


Algorithm($X$, $Y$, $n$):
  $p_x := 1$, $p_y := 1$
  $q_x := n$, $q_y := n$

  while( True ):
    $m_x := \lfloor \frac{p_x+q_x}{2} \rfloor$, $m_y := \lfloor \frac{p_y+q_y}{2} \rfloor$
    if $X[m_x] > Y[m_y]$:
      if $p_x$ == $q_x$:
        Return $Y[m_y]$
      $q_x := m_x$
      $p_y := m_y$
      if $p_y$ == $q_y$:
        Return $X[m_x]$
      $p_x := m_x$
      $q_y := m_y$

We are gonna use loop invariant to prove correctness.
Loop Invariant:
  At the start of each iteration, the median(we will use "the Median" for latter discussion) of all $2n$ elements in arrays $X$ and $Y$ is contained in $X[p_x...q_x] \cup Y[p_y...q_y]$. $(*)$
  When the while-loop starts, $X[p_x...q_x] = X[1...n]$ and $Y[p_y...q_y] = Y[1...n]$. $\implies (*)$ holds.
  Suppose $(*)$ holds for current iteration.
  $\because$ $X$ and $Y$ are sorted.
  $\therefore$ Any subarray of $X$, $Y$ are sorted also. Note that the Median must lie between the median of $X[p_x...q_x]$ and the median of $Y[p_y...q_y]$,
   ie. $\min\{ X[\lfloor \frac{p_x+q_x}{2} \rfloor], Y[\lfloor \frac{p_y+q_y}{2} \rfloor] \} \leq$ the Median $\leq \max\{ X[\lfloor \frac{p_x+q_x}{2} \rfloor], Y[\lfloor \frac{p_y+q_y}{2} \rfloor] \}$.
  Suppose $(*)$ holds for current iteration, that is, the Median is contained in $X[p_x...q_x] \cup Y[p_y...q_y]$.
   If $X[m_x] > Y[m_y]$, then the removal of $Y[p_y ... m_y-1] \cup X[m_x+1 ... q_x]$ keeps $(*)$ hold for next iteration.
   If $X[m_x] \leq Y[m_y]$, then the removal of $X[p_x ... m_x-1] \cup Y[m_y+1 ... q_y]$ keeps $(*)$ hold for next iteration.
  Note that $p_x$ == $q_x \iff p_y$ == $q_y$ since $q_x-p_x$ always equals to $q_y-p_y$.
  Therefore, if $p_x$ == $q_x$ or $p_y$ == $q_y$, then it only remains $X[p_x]$ and $Y[p_y]$ two elements, then we return the smaller one.

Because it has $2n$ elements and we removes even number elements in each iteration, it must terminate and remain only two elements in the final iteration, the smaller one must be the Median.

In each iteration, $q_x-p_x$ == $q_y-p_y$, it removes $\lfloor\frac{q_x - p_x}{2}\rfloor + \lceil\frac{q_y - p_y}{2}\rceil = \lfloor\frac{q_y - p_y}{2}\rfloor + \lceil\frac{q_x - p_x}{2}\rceil = q_x - p_x = q_y - p_y$ elements of $X[p_x...q_x] \cup Y[p_y...q_y]$.
$\implies$ It remains half of remainder of previous iteration.
$\implies$ Since the time consumption of each iteration is constant, the algorithm's time complexity is $O(\lg n)$.